
We know that being told you have an abnormality on your mammogram is stressful for you and your loved ones. Waiting for an appointment to see a breast surgeon after this news is stressful. It is natural to feel worried and frightened. For this reason, we offer same-day appointments to see a Board Certified Surgeon the day you find out you need a breast biopsy. In any event, simply call our office and we will see you THAT DAY. Our practice has been specializing in the treatment of Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Melanoma, and other malignancies for 41 years. If you need an appointment, please call us at 662-844-5344.
You don't need a referral.

Welcome To Surgery Associates...
Our website is designed to help you educate yourself about the services we provide at our multiple locations. Information is included to help you with your appointment and surgical needs. Surgery Associates, P.A. is made up of three board certified, sub-specialty trained surgeons. We have served North Mississippi and the surrounding area for over 35 years. Our reputation is based on our state-of-the-art techniques performed with a caring attitude. It is our goal to use our knowledge in our respective specialties to provide our patients with the most comprehensive, quality, and professional surgical care in the greater Tupelo area.
The Future Of Surgery
Continuous Innovation...
Over 20 years, da Vinci platforms have pioneered new capabilities in the OR, transforming the field of minimally invasive surgery. Through more than 5 million surgeries, Intuitive has become the proven leader in surgical robotics, increasing the adoption of minimally invasive surgery. And the innovation continues with a new generation of integrated systems and single port capabilities. We continue our commitment to designing minimally invasive solutions that reduce variability in surgery and help deliver better care.

Why Choose Surgery Associates?
With our skilled staff of nurses and doctors, we promise to provide the highest quality of care.
Better Care
When a patient is ill, we reschedule their appointment to reduce the risk of spreading infection or cross contamination.
Reduced Infection
All surgeries are scheduled so procedures are rarely delayed or rescheduled because of an emergency case.
More Convenient
With less overhead than a hospital, cost savings are passed on to patients for lower out-of-pocket expenses.
Lower Cost
With our convenient scheduling, experienced staff, low risk of infection, specialized procedures, and lower cost, patients have a much better experience.